Thursday, March 29, 2007

okayy.. im now going to clear all the cobwebs n sorta revive my bloggie that is nt vry alive previously.. haha.. shall try to post everyday or at least once evry2 days.. self-discipline.. haha! well, today was quite slack larh. in fact it IS slack. we only had proper lessons fer chinese, core.hist and chem n bio.. the rest tcher all go 4 interview.. haha! then we sorta slacked abit larh..

today had a.mths common test.. was it hard? well i think its okayy larh.. mr poh scared us when he said this test wld be chalenging larh! haha! n i was super lucky today.. i finished the paper lyk 10-15 min before.. then i boliao, go copy all the qns dwn with my ans.. ( mayb lata can check n do again) then check check check.. halfway found out i freakingly missed out 1 qns larh! haha.. a 3marks qns.. lucky still got like abt 10 min to do.. if not i die larh, 3 marks gone lyk tt. =X

right aft commontest was our chinese yanyu test. it was quite okayy larh.. cos got the hanyupinyin.. but imagine, it wld definitely b a disaster if the hanyupinyin isnt there. 40 yanyu.. i cant rmb all lorh.. haha. so we're lucky larh.. aft that chem did covalent bonding, then bio did digestive sys. i was able to take the chinese open book test! yay! act leelaoshi say i cant take cos nvr produce mc last thurs. then lucky she say can, cos other cls tchers oso let their students take the test. wah! if not i die larh. the whole open book thing 20 marks, + the yanyu test 30 marks. total 50. so if she reli dun let me take the test arh.. the most i can get is lyk 25++? wah! that means juz passed onli le! sure wld pull my avg dwn.. but heng =) hehe..

anw, the book test quite okayy larh. i did a diff paper frm wat my cls ppl do. haha.. do other cls de, cos cher scared i noe wat was given le. =) but i reli dono.. haha.. nv go arnd n ask.. ( got integrity k? ) lol -.-ll

hmm.. then aft the test finished, rushed back to cls 4 mths make-up lesson. i was lyk 1/2 hr late?? bt mr poh say nvm, cos i told him went to take retest =) now i have to relli study sets on my own lerh.. haha! went to cls, blur blur de, dono wat cher tokin, cos he go vry far le.. haha! too bad bah.. must jiayou! =)

i got 2 hmwrk haven complete yet.. haha! eng summary n chi essay.. lets c.. aimin to settle these 2 things in 1n 1/2 hr? haha.. which wld finish arnd 10.30. hmm. shall post another lame post later.. when i finish.. =)


she told the story ... 8:29 PM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

wee~ harlo =) juz brought my dog for a walk. my sis followed too! she went to the playgrounds. kelvry was so cute larh! even though she pooed. lol! anyway, today's a very relaxing day. its family day! went rivervale plaza for breakfast, then went to buy some groceries. we were paying at the counter at ntuc, then we realise 4gt to take potatoes, then ask my cuz go take, inthe end she cant find the potatoes n went to the wet market much further away to buy. -.-ll c she so long nv cum back, i went to take lorh. then i found it in ntuc ( V ) hehe.. then we were lyk laughin at her blurness?! cant stand her, this cuz reli super blur.

now still haven finish chinese blog. the 2 drafts that i have done yesterday are published lerh.. which means i have 3 in total. i have another 1 pending draft which adds up to a total of 4 . im only 1+ away frm the criteria. but a large dist away frm my target. haha! i wana do lyk a total of 8? yupp.. arnd there. hopefully by end of holidays, i wld have hit 12. thats my target =x ( grins)
is it abit high? haha! but im sure if i set out to do sth and if i put an effort, i wld achieve it.

juz had macaroni soup. made by mummy! muacks! haha! anw, still feeding my sis.. eat so slow
-.- anw, aunt n uncle juz came.. lata gn swimmin.. altho may make ppl puke hor? haha! but yupp, i do swim.. the most sabo others.. make them puke oni! haha! =x im evil..

hmm... duno wat to continue lerh.. tts about all that happened today.. excludin small details. shall go complete my draft and last entry for the chinese blog b4 i go 4 e swim.

buhbyees =)

she told the story ... 4:47 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

ohhyar... im back.. lol.. on friday.. melek, jingying and i went to play pool.. haha.. it was fun larh.. lots of funny things happen.. and some vs guys came and asked to join. then we played with them lorh.. i rmb the last game.. melek wanted to 'challenge' me.. kaka! so lucky lorh.. haha.. i won her! yay! by 1 ball.. lol.. dono wat happened that day.. melek was like leading all the way through out the game larh.. but she keep missing her last ball, so she cant proceed to hit the black one.. lol.. then it was my turn and i had 3 or 4 balls left on the table.. 3/4 vs 1 ... damn lucky.. it all went in at one go larh. i meant 1 time. i meant arh! forget it, it all sounds wrong.. but nvm. so it all went in including the blackie!! yay! cool..

aft that.. jinying brought mangoes down.. so we ate mangoes. i seriously think melek's tastebud got prob. haha! the mangoes were super sweet larh! both jingying and i agreed to it. BUT, melek said it was BITTER. we were like.. no! its damn sweet larh.. how can be bitter? you sure not? got bitter one meh? sour still acceptable, but bitter? then shes like its F'ing bitter larh.. then she did not want to swallow it and had to pui out. budden she didnt wana do it in public! then we had to lyk block her so that she can pui . but its lyk hu wld wana c larh?! but anw.. it was gross larh! super disgusting. then aft that she guggled her mouth with e water in me waterbottle. the first time she squirt, she said she got the wrong angle .. then some of the water went into her nose.. and she choked.. shes lyk laughing and laughin nonstop at herself. then jingying and i oso there laughin at her. shes so comical larh. then aft that jingying said sth that 'offended' her. then they started runnin arnd the whole plc.( melek chasing Jy) i couldnt be bothered to join in.. its lyk so dumb larh. run arnd e estate? no way man. then melek got tired and stopped runnin.. haha. dumb.

well, fastforward. melek and i needed to go hm. jingying walked us to the gate . the wind was blowing lyk mad. our hairs were all messed up. they were lyk almost flyin off our heads? lol.. exageration. then Jy took a vid w/all our hairs flying. super funny vid. and its a retarded one too. good for laugh.

so melek and i walked to the mrt stn. it was wierd, we saw many ppl frm our sch gn back to sch. -.-?? puzzled. we went separate ways aft that. she took e train to tamp while i headed 4 cityhall. took the train all the way to cityhall, then changed to dhouby ghaut, then aft that change to another line, the one going towards punggol. damn far larh! then i was standing throughout the whole journey. the train i took at cityhall is super full. i was like juz afew mm away frm the door. then when the door close almost hit my head. but nvm, its only 1 stop to dhouby(lucky). then reached sengkang mrt only like 1+ hr later. went compass pnt to meet mummy for dinner.

after that went popular. bought chem n bio guides + amth assessment. haha! seems lyk im reli gona mug during the holidays. hopefully..keep my fingers crossed. aft that went hm lerh. poor kelvry, at hm , haven had dinner yet. went hm fed her, then brought her downstairs for her walk, at the same time bring my sis to playground. btw, kelvry is a doggie=) lol! aft that went hm lerh. packed my room and went straight to bed. was freaking tired. lie down literally fell aslp lerh. woke up at 8+ today. checked my fone, realised kor msged me at 12.04. in the end i replied him loh. he replied >thnx for waking me up.. zZz.. im lyk oops.. haha. i woke him up at 8+. if not dono he can slp till wat time. sorry kor!

anw, went to my aunt's hse aft that. brought my sis there. went hougang pnt 2.did many things which im sure u all dun wana know. cos its so common and boring. then after that went compass point. mummy bought sth for me.. haha. thnx! =) after that went home lerh loh.. and frm then till now, here i m in front og this square thing, letting my fingers exercise. haha! i think i have said what i wanted to say lerh lorh. lyk dun reli know wat to say lerh. shall go read the chi book and update another few posts for my chinese blog. i have already 3 posts sorta done. haha! later go read thru n check first then publish. the no. of posts required to be in by tmr is 5. think i wld b able to complete it by then. hmm. shall do more than 5 if i find enuff nice entries in the book.

buhbyees =)

she told the story ... 8:53 PM

sorry for not updating! aiya, not i want de kayys? lol.. com crashed.. both somemore.. how suay can i get? lol.. nvm. that aside. i shifted house lerh.. but then super far from sch larh! sianed.. now every morning must wake up at 5.30 larh.. but nvm, at least i get to slp in the car, so not so bad. by the way, i shifted to sengkang, which is like the other end? the north of singapore.. lol.. more hanging arnd at tm lerh.. sorta missed that, but now go compasspoint le loh.. budden there again, noone i know -.-ll so there's practically no reason for me to go there lerh.. sadded.. =(

anw.. sch holidays lerh.. i dun think im gona play much.. i wana mug! sian larh.. i dun like my term result.. L1R5 above 10.. arh! below my own expectations.. shyt larh! damn.. aiya.. but its over le larh.. nth i can do about it other than work hard lorh. what to do? but ppl say my results is quite gd..(mr tan oso said) but..haiixx, nvm. if anyone wld even wana know how much i got ...12 is the answer. my overall average also never hit 70, 69.56-.-ll sian diao larh! duno wht happened. can get a1 de oso nvr get. got a2 instead. *sighs*

lets see.. hcl- a2 ( can be better larh.. )
eng b4 (?? so lan..i expected a b3 atleast)
emth a2 (missed a1 by arnd 2marks)
amth a2 (okayy larh.. new subj anw)
chem a1 (cool..not expected)
bio a2 (can get a1 de.. but i stupidly flunked the 1st test -.-ll)
c.hist b3 ( improvement larh.. i got c in sec2)
combined b4 ( expected..)

but on the while okayy larh.. just not contented. at least mr tan dont have to meet my parent. then the moe came out with the expected grade thingie? lol.. i missed like almost all? missed 4 outof 6 -.- aiya.. dun care larh. its dumb larh. i mean..its individual performance do u expact it to be the same? 5 / 8 subjs abve lvl average..

to viv) viv! i updated lerh!! lol.. anw..u want me to write a post abt u? haha.. i shall do it when im free.. and get well soon yar? =)

hmm.. quite a long post.. shall stop and go update my chinese blog lerh.. if not cant meet the deadline.. which is like tmr? hmm.. to those in 3GH hcl.. rmb to update your chi blog arh! good luck and hope u guys can meet the deadline..

buhbyees =)

she told the story ... 7:49 PM

%that's me
-kElly` kElvrilYn` kElkEl -2G 06 -3G 07 -14 going 15 -10 04 92 -just mE =)

~ kElvry!!
~ eh.. you? lol!

~ y0u y0u y0u =).
~ all i want is YOU.
~ gd grades this year

- others next time then add




viViaN =x

3G 07(english)
felicia TOH ^^


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