Sunday, February 25, 2007

okayy.. this is suppose to be my homework for last week.. but i nvr do.. so now im doing it=) im guai least got do.. lol! self praise. anw.. friday's match didnt turn out the way we wanted it to.. we lost to VS Again.. -.-ll like last year.. 4-1.. well.. on the other hand.. our C boys won green view>>3-2.. so.. they would be fightin with another sch for 1st n 2nd plc.. if im not wrong, its VS again.. lol ==.. jiayou Cboys. tmr, B boys and girls would both be playing at VS .. for 3RD n 4th.. Bgals against dunman high, Bboys against Tampines sec.. gd luck team members and seniors =) tues wld be Cboys' final.. oops... missed out Cgirls.. they wld be havin their match in sch tmr.(home ground) but im not sure against which sch...

aiyoyo.. i got carried away with all that.. so here's the assignment..i wld be doing both the topics.. well, here's my opinion about green mile.

i feel that green mile is a very touching movie. after the movie, i was sort of sad. ppl said that everyone shld be given a 2nd chance, what more those who realised their mistakes?? most of the characters in the movie are sorry for what they have done.. but they were nvr given a 2nd chance.. a 2nd chance for them to retrieve their freedom.. to change the opinion of others towards them.. i pity john coffey.. he's INNOCENT! and he's a nice man larh.. he help ppl lorh.. its so saddening.. the part whereby john was brought to the electric chair.. aiya, the whole procedure actually.. so is it really true that ppl always get a 2nd chance to change? i dun think so... its abit unfair larh.. esp to those who are innocent. hmm.. the ending of the movie was okayy only larh, not vry fantastic.. but on the whole.. the movie is a success.. and definitely a very good effort. i LIKE it=)

so, the next part is also sort of linked to the movie larh.. its about capital punishment.. there are many pros and cons to capital punishment.. som say that capital punishment can instill fear in criminals, deterring them frm commitin crime.. but does that really work? i mean.. for some, mayb yes.. but wat bout those hu arent afraid of death? i mean.. not everyone wld be afraid of this kind of thing wat. personally, i feel that capital punishment is necessary. imagine u r a victim, how wld u feel if u r murdered? lol.. kayys.. u wld b dead, wldnt be able to feel anything. if u offended that some1 n got killed.. tts not so bad.. but what about those victims who are innocent? capital punishment can punish the criminal and at the same time, bring justice to the victim and his/her family members. an eye for an eye.. anw. there are still lots of other pnts on capital punishment.. shall not write them here, but put them on my worksht instead.. haha.. if nt mr tan wld be readin the same info again.. haha.. the end of assignment..

lol.. melek just smsed me.. ask me tmr got trng not.. i told her tmr got match, ask her go support. then she was lyk>> can i dun go? i wana go hm study.. haha.. then reply her lorh.. she say i sound pissed.. haha.. cos she was hinting that she dowana go. in the end i say up to her lorh.. hehe, but think she gn tmr.. i WIN! haha! tmr morn meetin her to go sch tgt.. hmm.. dono wat else to add lerh lorh.. anw.. think i go lerh bah.. haha.. now still dun feel like slpin, go n read thru hist tb again.. tmr got hist test.. jiayou 4 those who are takin core hist.

buhbyee =)

she told the story ... 10:15 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007

this is lame back at the com lab right after i reach class.. lol.. n i just went back to class from the COM LAB! the same one somemore... haha! took the oscar my interest is S`I and sth else..D?.. 4got lerh.. hmm.. my most preferred job matches with my interest, but not with the ability.. lol.. nvm..expected. come on, im only 15?

haha.. anw, will work towards that. anyway, just rmbed, took the personality test last week.. and im a rare person okay??!! must treasure me lorh! haha! ppl like me are decreasing rapidly in numbers.. lol!-.-ll guess what? im a pure S person.. lol.. rare xl hehe.. mrs goh say de lorh.. hmm.. but wierd, wats so special about an S person? lol!

aiyoyo.. now finish the thing given to me lerh.. got nothing to do lerh.. hmm.. blog blog blog =) haha.. so.. i`ve blogged two entries in like 2 hours? so.. now.. viv have no reason to complain lerh.. hehe.. hopefully this is enuff to keep her entertained for awhile xl haha!

really wonder what the matches would be like later.. know that it would be a tough fight, but then, there again, i hope that we can win! its a deciding match!

mr yeow ask us to shut down lerh.. buhbyee=)

(4 the 2nd time.. haha )

she told the story ... 1:28 PM

lalala~ im BACK!`` lol… viv complain that I nvr update O_o haha.. kk.. so here I m .. lol.. im at the com lab>> spring rhapsody.. haha.. naughty hor? Blog during lessons.. haha. Anyway, had tingxie just now, was quite easy I guess? Easier than the previous one. Lol.. hopefully can get more than 90, then can add marks for group=) hmm.. thou we are laggin behind, my group members jiayou!! =) haha.. so.. now’s English.. had to do a research about capital punishment. Lol.. blehx.. I forgot that mr tan would be reading this? Haha.. mayb save as draft, later then continue at home. Haha. Pros and cons of capital punishment. Hmm.. later go home shall contiunue and search somemore info about that. Haha. Just now recess, went with melek and jing ying. Had wonton noodles. Lol! Just now so sian larh.. nothing to do during recess, never hang out with TT CLIQUE. Haha! Today thinking day.. many members of TT CLIQUE all in guides, then all wear uniform.. haha.. some look so cute! I like felicia’s hair! Lol.. only today.. ( sshhh.. dun tell her) haha. Later got SEL. Wonder is mr yeow comin in or mrs goh.. then aft that is end of sch! Then later have to rush to vs lerh.. go support B`boys.. hmm.. crucial match I guess? Well, shall really continue posting later when I get home.. let`s get to some serious work.. buhbyee=) brb later at night.. hehe.. (-(00)-) cya!!

she told the story ... 12:19 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

well, today school was quite slack. had tingxie. die lah..haha! actually all learn properly de, then reach tingxie that time suddenly all blank out lah! so unusual.. lol!..well, so the whole period was tingxie. aft tt was elect-mr tan=) what did he went thru ar? (testbook) lol! well.. its about coniferous? haha.. oops.. 4got. lol! aft this go do geog wrkbk, well, aft elect was mths. as usual loh.. mr poh with his SWEETS! haha.. we learned erm... graph of quadratic functions or sth lyk tt. aft mths, english! we went tent to watch greenmile. lol.. the show getting more exciting? haha.. but the electric chair part so poor thing larh.. the DEL? was it his name? not vry sure.. the stupid PERCY nvr wet the sponge..omG! i pity tt guy on the chair larh! LITERALLY COOKED! aft that was REceSs! lol.. TT CLIQUE went for recess. but without viv and huikian! jealous larh.. they got early recess, cos tcher nv come.. haha.. aft recess got core.. wah! we got into the avT. mr yeow vry serious. talked to us bout many things. act i sortof agree with him larh.well.. we got back our class test. or was it a common test? hmm.. he said half the cls failed. test upon 25. highest was meixuan.. with 23.. cool =) well.. i so freaking scared when he said that larh.. scared i wld fail. then i wld get my 1st red mark in the year. i dowan larh! >.< .. anw.. duno heard frm who, but he said 3G ppl did badly.. lol.. but in the end was quite okay rgt? i duno.. well.. i didnt fail! yay! haha.. glad.. no REDmarks.well.. but i reckon i could have done better!

got 16/25.. quite lousy larh.

act, i nv study 4 the test. act do u even need to really study 4 the test? i mean, personally, i feel, if u pay attention in cls is okay le rgt? pay attention n make notes, then everything in yr brain le.. before test just bring out the notes and read thru can le =) tt was wat i did larh.. went to ask mr yeow. he said if i had expanded more, add one more point 4 qns 1a, i would have gotten much higher marks le.. he said maybe can even get full marks of lv4, and move on to lv 5.. cool! should have written more. but not enough time >.<.well.. anw, aft hist, we end sch le! lol.. not really larh, but we got spt. then slack arnd .. went canteen eat lunch. then aft that faster chiong a cab with melek dwn to tamp sec. support bgals. crucial match. against tamp sec. lol.. they playing at their home grnd. so we muz perform even better. by the time we reached there, it was already the 1st doubles. we asked arnd n found out that we won the 1st singles. yay! ah-ma is the best =) the whole 5 games are all vry close fights. we managed to win the 1st doubles. here comes the deciding match- 2nd singles. we were playing against their best singles-kelly(same name. haha! i noe her too=) ) it was really a super tough fight. but we managed to win! cool! we won lerh! we were super happy larh! now that another sch is down, our nxt opponent wld b plmgs lerh! jiayou snrs! you'all can do it de! wed i aft assembly immediately pia dwn! =) haha.. take cabbie again.. mayb with melek if she is free.. if not then chiong there myself =) suppose its gona be one real tough fight with PL. wow.. its really a long post yarr? haha.. haven do my last revision for bio.. tmr got bio test. wish me luck! =) haha! lol! anw, still got geog to do. better get going lerh! =) buhbyee~ =)

she told the story ... 8:47 PM

Sunday, February 11, 2007

harlo guys! here to update again. wah! like quite some time nvr update le. well, this is for the english assignment. title: my music.. lol.. whats there to talk bout my music? hmm.. personally, i feel that my music is suppose to be one that is able to bring out my character, personality, thoughts and most importantly my its very difficult to say what is the type of music i like. it all depends on my voices of the heart. how i feel at a particular moment. well, as for now, i m feeling.. erm.. nothing? haha! cos still got tingxie to learn. im currently listening to SOS by Rihanna.. haha.! rescue me from homework can? lol.. i normally listen to songs while studying.( wierd person huh?) haha! well.. so here's the lyrics to the song. shall change that to my blog music later on. =) (very long song.)

[Intro]Lalala lalala la la lala la
OhhhYou know... I never felt like this before
Lalala lalala la la lala la
OhhhFeels like.. so real

[Verse 1]I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
I'm aggressive just one thought of closing up
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue'
Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I'm the question and you're of course the answer
Just hold me close boy 'cause I'm your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, never mistaken
But I can't control myself, got me calling out for help

[Chorus:]S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard,I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night

[Bridge:]This time please someone come and rescue me'
Cause you on my mind it's got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me'
Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it

[Verse 2]Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes it's a lesson, it's unfair, you stole my vanity
My tummy's up in knots so when I see you I get so hot
My common sense is out the door, can't seem to find the lock
Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right

[CD version:] Take me on I'm put desire up in your arms tonight
[Video version:] Take me on, I could just die up in your arms tonight.I'm out with you, you got me head over heels
Boy you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel

[Chorus:]S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making (Y.O.U.) this hard,
You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night

[Bridge:]This time please someone come and rescue me'
Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it ('Cause you on my mind)
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
(someone come and rescue me)'
Cause you on my mind got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I'm losing it
Boy, you know you got me feeling open
And boy, your loves enough with words unspoken
I said boy I'm telling you, you got me open
I don't know what to do it's trueI'm going crazy over you,
I'm begging

[Chorus:]S.O.S. please somebody help me.
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard
(are you making this hard for me, baby?),
You got me tossin' and turnin' and can't sleep at night

[Bridge:]This time please someone come and rescue me
(someone rescue me)'
Cause you on my mind, it's got me losing it
I'm lost, you got me lookin' for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I'm losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me'
Cause you on my mind got me losing it ('cause any time)
I'm lost you, got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me (best of me),
I'm losing it

[Outro]Lala lala lala lala
OhhhOhh ohh
lala lala lala lala
Oh oh

very long song.. as in the lyrics. well.. think the chorus of this song is quite relevant? haha! SOS.. someone help me.. i haven finish studying. all the tests.. >.<>>tingxie // tues>>bio test // wed>>chem test // thurs >> E-mths // O_o alot loh! haha.. nvm.. jiayou kelly! jiayou...jiaYOU..JIAYOU!! haha=) self motivation =))

she told the story ... 10:21 PM

Friday, February 2, 2007

grats Cgals! won tps 4-1( if im not wrong lah) today very tired.. haha.. during maths lesson, mr poh gave us a break.. i slept! haha.. then he wake me up later, when he ready to start cls again.. haha.. so nice loh! hehe.. aft mths was recess le.. wake up le loh.. went canteen with my usual "gang" . something tragic(not really?) happened. dun wana say it here. well.. aft sch chiong to the hall support, in the end match oso haven start. FINALLY , MELEK CAME !(4 TRAINING) haha.. she nv come 4 vry loing le loh.. then become i sometimes no partner. evil her! anyway, aft training met VIVIAN at the concourse( so qiao loh! ) then we went home tgt.. haha.. walked dwn changchen, then went bubbletea shop.. haha.. didnt noe! we act patronise the same bbt shop@ haha. the auntie was like telling her. "eh!ni lai le ar? wo yi wei ni shi zong le! na me jiu mei you lai. " haha... then i copied her loh! FINE! haha.. didnt noe wat to drink, wanted a change.. so order the same thing as her loh.>> grape milk tea.. (psst, actually i dun really think its vry nice loh!) haha.. anyway.. boarded bus 17.. not much ppl.. we went to the upper deck and crap..haha.. so cool lah! we just crapped the whole way thru..haha.. today cannot slp so late lerr><>< . k lah, shall post again some other time.. and oya! VIVIAN: THANKS 4 FLOODING MY TAGBOARD! LOL.. I DUN MIND U DN TT OFTEN.. HAHA,, CAN DRIVE U CRAZY! =x

she told the story ... 10:10 PM

Thursday, February 1, 2007

today was a super tiring day. had assembly. todays assembly is okay lah.. not as bad..3A, B , C had their talenttime performance. i think i lyk 3A's better. the fact that they included their form teacher into the performance. ( thumbs up) . their stomp is so cute lah... especially the last part. mr mok march in and salute.. so cute! haha!

3C's is shld i put it.. cute? fun? amazing? brave? .. haha! i like the part whereby the guy acted as mr chua.. its like so similar can.. got future... haha! i sort of like their video.. introduce the members in the cls, then show their fotos when they were young.. the ending of the assembly was quite draggy, but nvm, over le. haha..

aft that had trng.. then went hm bathe, chnge, chiong dinner, then chiong to tuition cls le.. aiyo! in the end late.. late by 15 min sommre. tuition ended at 9.30. mum fetch me home. sian, haven do homework yet.. then went to do loh.. do finish le then play game 4 awhile. then now come update . haha! tmr sch atrt 8.50.. cool, can slp later abit. but actually it doesnt make a diff 4 me.. cos i slp later when i get to wake up later.. lol!

** yawns ** im going to bed soon... hmm.. funny, just decided to post another post for no reason. haha! anyway, tmr, the bmt b.boys are gona compete against dunman high school. Wish them luck =) jiayou shuttlers!

she told the story ... 1:09 AM

%that's me
-kElly` kElvrilYn` kElkEl -2G 06 -3G 07 -14 going 15 -10 04 92 -just mE =)

~ kElvry!!
~ eh.. you? lol!

~ y0u y0u y0u =).
~ all i want is YOU.
~ gd grades this year

- others next time then add




viViaN =x

3G 07(english)
felicia TOH ^^


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