Tuesday, January 30, 2007

great... i duno wat i did to my com.. but sth happened... how great? lol.. today was quite a slack day( i muz admit) .. we had 4 periods of lab in a row! how cools that? haha... last few periods of the day sommre... haha.. a good chance to shut off mayb?

it is wierd.. but i have not managed to find the lyrics of the song.. nvm, shall keep trying. and yay! i got my new puppy.. lets c, erm... 2days ago? hehe! its so cute! >> 2 months old silky terrior.. kaka! =)

i love mr tan's geog lessons.. really! its so fun..! especially his stories, haha.. sorta kept us entertained. =) still rmb a handful of them quite clearly.. haha..

oya... the B div bmt boys competed against tampines sec today=) we won them 5-0 ! =) cool! grt work guys!=) tampines put up a grt fight.. it was really an excitin match.. the nxt match 4 the guys wld be on thurs? against dunman high...

match ended arnd 5+, went str8 to tm to meet family 4 dinner. met jiehui at the mrt platform.. we chat throughout e whole ride.. (its only 2 stops 4 me) haha, alighted alone.. jiehui heading 4 pasir ris.. different..
nothing much happened, had dinner at ajisen, then went ntuc buy things..then go hm le lor.. bythetime i gt hm, so tired le.

tmr's timetable>>mths-eng-ss-chi-chem-bio.. wah! quite a long day, aft that still got assembly! omG! nvm.. jiayou! haha.. abit nolink..but nvm..shall go do some work.. =)

she told the story ... 10:20 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

hmm.. hi guys.. well.. its now 11.45... and im doing my first posting.. well this post is for my english work... well.. there is a given topic - NUTs.. personally, i feel that if i really start writing about NUTS, i wld go NUTs or bonkers. so i've decided against it.. hehe =)

well.. im gona share y i chose zhong ji yi ban as my blog's music..
well.. basically, its about a bunch of gangsters and rebellions.. they dont do well in their studies.. however.. they pledge their loyalty to friendships. they would definitely stand up for their friend if something happens. they share a common goal and had many experiences together with one another...
i feel that this is a very meaningful song.. ( the chorus)...
well, i had spent hours selecting the song.. so hope you guys wld like it =) and those who visited, pls taG =))

bytheway, i wld post the lyrics the next time.. if i can find it=)

she told the story ... 11:46 PM

Gene Was Here .wakaka.. thnx Gene for your help yar? =) kaka... if not i duno how to do lol!

she told the story ... 7:15 PM

%that's me
-kElly` kElvrilYn` kElkEl -2G 06 -3G 07 -14 going 15 -10 04 92 -just mE =)

~ kElvry!!
~ eh.. you? lol!

~ y0u y0u y0u =).
~ all i want is YOU.
~ gd grades this year

- others next time then add




viViaN =x

3G 07(english)
felicia TOH ^^


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